Kajal Patel

Kajal Patel
Kajal Patel

Kajal Patel

Year in School

Computer Science

Year of Participation in STARS

  • Fall 2022
  • Spring 2023
  • Fall 2023

Research Interests
Artificial Intelligence Computers and Education Data and Information Systems Scientific Computing Theory and Algorithms

Research Mentor
Prof. Geoffrey Herman

Research/Engagement Experience
In our research advised by Prof. Goeffrey Herman, we are aiming to measure students' intrinsic motivation to learn through various academic testing methodologies administered to UIUC students. Through the social computing research area, advised by Prof. Matthew Caesar, I am part of the PeopleWeave research team aiming to statistically analyze the relationships among educators. Additionally, through Sandia National Laboratories, I research applied machine intelligence and models in high-performance computing applications. Education is extremely important to me, and I try to reflect that in my outreach and engagement. I am the lead facilitator for the Beginner workshops hosted by Girls Who Code, teaching girls from grades 3 to 6 the beginnings of CS.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning, computers and education, data and information systems, theory and algorithms

Project Title
Analysis of Academic Testing Methods and Intrinsic Student Motivation

How did I get interested in Computer Science?
My dad, a computer scientist himself, introduced me to coding at a very young age, but I didn't forge my own interest in it until I connected the material I learned in a statistics course to something I had read about data mining. That introduced me to the world of data science, which is where my interests lie today.

What social interests matter to me?
Getting girls and women an education of quality is the most important social cause to me. Education, to me, is the most powerful tool a person can have, since it cannot be taken away. I aim to shape a world in which women are armored with education -- and therefore, opportunity -- as much as I can.

What is my most impactful college experience?
The first research meeting I had ever had impacted me immeasurably. Up until that point, I had written code for various passion projects and assignments, but they never really had a long-term goal or purpose. The feeling of working towards a larger societal purpose of understanding resonated with me greatly.

These are a few of my favorite things!
The Lord of the Rings, Wikipedia binges, listening to music, mechanical keyboards

Research Description
Students in rigorous academic programs are often torn between the need for quick grades and the desire to truly understand class content. Furthermore, course testing regimens may be structured in such a way that fails to truly consider students learning ability in favor of pace and material. This experiment aims to discern a method (or combination of methods) of academic testing that would prioritize student understanding and optimize motivation to learn without disregarding time or course material constraints.

I grew up in Mundelein, Illinois, a northern suburb of Chicago. Growing up, there had always been a heavy emphasis on education and independence in my family. I love to teach all sorts of random stuff to whoever will listen, whether it be computer science-related or the random biographies of statisticians. If you ever see me around campus, chances are it'd be in a library, because I absolutely love their ambience! I've been addicted to books my whole life, and while college has certainly slowed down how many I can read, it definitely hasn't stopped. As someone who loves to learn and has a lifelong interest in using technology to better society, I am extremely excited to continue being in the CS STARS program!