Ruchika Biswas

Ruchika Biswas
Ruchika Biswas

Ruchika Biswas

Year in School

Computer Science

Year of Participation in STARS

  • 2021-2022
  • Fall 2022
  • Spring 2023

Research Interests
Artificial Intelligence Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Computers and Education Theory and Algorithms

Research Mentor
Prof. Geoffrey Herman

Research/Engagement Experience
The purpose of our research is to determine how frequent vs. infrequent testing with second chances affects student performance and mental health. Last semester, CS 233 (Computer Architecture) used infrequent testing with second chances where students were given 3 midterms to showcase their knowledge, and were given a second chance to retake parts of the exam. In Spring 2022, the style of the class used weekly quizzes with no second chances. The questions remained the same through the semesters, so we could directly compare student performance. Our project entails cleaning and normalizing the data using Python Pandas, and then running statistical analysis to compare what the changes were, if they were even statistically significant to be considered, and what its implications would be.

Learning new skills, keyboards and game development.

Project Title
The impact of frequent vs. infrequent testing on students' intrinsic motivation to learn.

How did I get interested in Computer Science?
I was initially extremely interested in the applications of mathematics - for example, calculus was my favorite subject. I realized that computer science used the problem solving of math but applied it to real world concepts to optimize processes and create tools that could be used by everyone.

What social interests matter to me?
Empowering women in STEM has always been very important to me. Throughout my time as a student, I have noticed that many girls face similar experiences of feeling scared to look like they know less than their male peers. This is one of many other psychological challenges young women in STEM experience, and I want to help in breaking down these mental barriers that are still very prevalent for women in STEM.

What is my most impactful college experience?
My most impactful college experience was when I finally understood the importance of maintaining a schedule and taking care of myself mentally.

These are a few of my favorite things!
Playing video games, drumming, dogs, and eating!

Research Description
I am working with Professor Geoffrey Herman to write python scripts to compare and analyze the effects of the frequent quizzes versus infrequent quizzes with second chances on students’ learning and performance. Through the data, we are able to analyze how the different teaching styles affect students' intrinsic motivation to learn.

I am currently a junior in Computer Science who has been involved with the RSOs Women in Computer Science and Pulse. I am originally from California, so one part I love about living here is being able to play in the snow! The reason I want to get involved in research is because I like how open-ended it is, how it employs a lot of creativity along with problem solving. I find it very interesting how the research conducted by the faculty has directly impacted the education that the University students receive, and I would like to be a part of that impact.