Mutmaina Adebayo

Mutmaina Adebayo
Mutmaina Adebayo

Mutmaina Adebayo

Year in School

CS + Philosophy

Year of Participation in STARS

  • 2021-2022
  • Fall 2022
  • Spring 2023
  • Fall 2023

Research Interests
Security and Privacy Systems and Networking

Research Mentor
Prof. Gang Wang and Prof. Kirill Levchenko

Research/Engagement Experience
2021-2022, 2022-2023, Fall 2023

Human Computer Interaction

Project Title
Pay to Play: Understanding Security and Ethics within the Document Sharing Ecosystem

How did I get interested in Computer Science?
I always thought computer science was really cool from a young age, and after taking some CS courses in high school I thought it would be a right fit major for me and I am happy with my decision.

What social interests matter to me?
I am really passionate about access to education and opportunities, as well as ensuring that everyone has a living wage and ethical working environments.

What is my most impactful college experience?
The entire experience of college itself thus far has been impactful. I have learned a lot and I continue to learn everyday.

These are a few of my favorite things!
Rollercoasters, traveling, hiking, and frozen custard

Research Description
Under the guidance of Professor Gang Wang, Professor Kirill Levchenko, and PhD student Margie Ruffin, my research is focused on analyzing the magnitude of academic resources available online among the top 50 computer science and ECE programs in the country. More specifically, we have identified that there may be security and privacy risks in file eco-sharing systems that lie at the intersection of the violation of copyright and academic integrity by way of access control. We are building crawlers to web scrape metadata (ex university, course name) and documents (ex lecture notes) from these websites. Our work will identify what academic information is available on these websites, if copyright is being violated, and propose solutions to curb this problem.

Mutmaina Adebayo is a junior studying Computer Science and Philosophy. As part of the CS STARS program, she conducts research in security and privacy and volunteers in various CS departmental activities. She is a resident advisor on campus and enjoys organizing activities for her building and being a support system for her residents. She is also a part of the Percentage Project where she has previously worked with various campus directors from universities across the nation to collect data on what it is like to be underrepresented in tech, but is now focused on improving the technology team. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, spending time in nature, reading, baking, and watching movies.