Hend Abdelfattah

Hend Abdelfattah
Hend Abdelfattah

Hend Abdelfattah

Years of professional experience?

Year that you started the iCAN program

  • 2021

What was your major and background?
Accountancy and Business Administration

Research/Engagement Experience

What are your interests within computer science?
Database and Information System

Project Title

How did you get interested in Computer Science?
The emergence of Bitcoin and Blockchain has presented a new set of challenges in the financial world, piquing my interest in these innovative technologies. However, it was through my involvement with iCAN that my curiosity deepened and I became increasingly passionate about this field. Ultimately, this drove me to pursue further education and enroll in The MCS program at UIUC, where I hope to gain a comprehensive understanding of these technologies and their applications in the financial industry.

What social interests matter to you?
An environment that provides equal opportunities and a supportive environment for development and growth.

What is your most impactful iCAN experience?
When I joined iCAN, I had very little knowledge about computer science and programming languages. However, thanks to the supportive community at iCAN, led by Professors Williams and Yale, I was able to overcome these initial hurdles and pave my way towards success. Their guidance and unwavering support have been instrumental in my journey, and I am grateful for the opportunities that iCAN has provided me to grow and learn.

What are your hobbies/outside interests?
Traveling, Baking, and spending time with family and friends.

Where are you from?