CS 498 FDS

CS 498 FDS - Special Topics

Summer 2008

Special TopicsCS498FDS33860LEC30900 - 1150 MTWR    Dan Roth
Cinda Heeren

Official Description

Lectures in topics of current interest. See Schedule for current topics. Course Information: May be repeated. Prerequisite: As specified for each topic offering, see Schedule or departmental course description.

Section Description

Topic: Foundations of Data Sciences. Prerequisites: CS 173, CS 225, Math 461/463, Math 415 or consent of instructor. This course offering will give upper level undergraduate and lower level graduate students a rigorous introduction to the mathematics, theory, and tools used in information sciences research. Topics will be drawn from Probability Theory, Statistics, Mathematical Programming, Linear Algebra, and Data Structures and Algorithms. Specifics will include (at least) stochastic processes, hypothesis testing, inference techniques, linear and non-linear programming, an introduction to clustering algorithms, and data reduction.